Thursday, April 1, 2010

NoG BloG: Is This Some Kind of Joke?

Today is April 1st, the day we gleefully ignore the common courtesy of not telling outlandish lies to one another. We here at the Dead Workers Party have been known to tell our own fantastic mistruths, such as the well loved ballad of Oober Servers.

It's not just people telling each other lies, however. Corporations get in on the act as well, making the first of April the absolute worst day to try to find gaming news. Add in the impending release of the iPad, and the only stories to be found are either Apple related or dirty, dirty lies. Occasionally the two even overlap. As an example, I present to you the iCade. Kotaku has a pretty good list of today's tomfoolery here.

So what's your opinion of game companies trying to be cute on April 1? Do you appreciate the effort, or are you annoyed beyond all reason? What are some of your favorite or least favorite April Fool's related pranks?


  1. I'm all for a game company getting in on the April Fools day action. It's all in good fun anyway so why not? I'd love to read some april fools day joke about details on Duke Nukem. I remember that fake Legend of Zelda movie that had a trailer released on YouTube a few years back, a friend of mine was so excited he almost pissed himself and I had to break it to him it was fake. Anyway, I love April Fools Day jokes, even if they are technically lies.

  2. I'm just happy that this is the first April 1st in about 5 years which didn't consist of 95% rickrolls. Wow, what hilarious antics those were. The epitome of effervescence, even! I crown those timeless jokers kings of wit!

    Now let me let you to the next stop on our tour, Your Highnesses, the guillotines...

  3. I love April Fools day on it's own, but the involvement of any major corporation just makes it better! It's nice being able to see them not so srs business like and instead have fun with the day.

  4. Allowing the creative minds at games companies to come up with silly or outlandish stories can only be a good thing - who knows what excellent ideas may come from the April Fools' Day brainstorming session?

  5. It's awesome when game devs do that extra little thing for April fools. It feels almost like how valve looks at the TF2 community, putting out content just to interact with the fans. A small joke does remove the corporation nature of large companies even just for a day =P

    Too bad nothing of the sort happend in EVE except a few more buttpirates can flipping =[

  6. I love April fools day its the only day i get to do practical jokes and people don't get mad at me.

  7. I love April fools day its the only day i get to do practical jokes and people don't get mad at me. As for game companies I just assume its either getting pushed back anyway so i never trust what they say anyway.

    I do however love when they announce funny stuff that can't be true, and i don't mind if they do. As for my favorite i couldn't tell you there all either really good or really stupid.

  8. I like the real suddle ones.

    Deviant Art exchanged every Avatar with gifs of Twilight fans and Lady Gaga. It was so awesome, I thought the whole place was full of kiddies and lunatics... until I realized :D

    Sometimes it's just too obvious, like the big announcement on exactly this day that something comes out.

    Kudos to everyone who can actually fool me on April first, cause I am trying exactly the same thing at work and so on :)

  9. Giggidee (Velen-PvE US) aka JohnApril 2, 2010 at 6:46 AM

    Over the years, there is one company that I am always waiting to see what they do for April Fools, and that is the wonder people at Blizzard Entertainment. Year after year they are always able to 1up themselves in the silly stuff they do for their games WoW, SC, and Diablo; and this year definitely wasn't a let down... no only did they spread out their hijinks to catering to their 3 game title websites, but they even took it further into the blizzard store, wowarmory and

    The Tuskarr Hunter is so awesome, and playing around with the different animations and reading all the information what hilarious.

    ~Giggidee (Velen-PvE)

  10. My favorites this year (only one is from a gaming company):

    -Youtube's "TEXTp" video resolution which displayed many videos in ASCII. Unfortunately it didn't work with Meet the Spy, but that didn't matter because as it happens VLC has had an ASCII video filter for years.

    -Everything from Blizzard, as usual. My favorite this year was the Deckard Cain GPS voice, complete with audio samples. "Fasten your seatbelt and listen."

    -ThinkGeek's iPad arcade box. If that was real I think I would actually buy one of those silly iPads.

    Overall as far as gaming companies go I guess my favorite jokes are the ones that look like legit announcements for new products that you know can't possibly be real.

  11. Oh lol, come to think of it EVE did do an April fools joke

    They replaced the eve battleclinic front page to a twilight themed page XD
    That kept me confused for a little while >___>

  12. Star Wars: The Old Republic's new class, the Sarlaac Enforcer

  13. I liked April Fools day on the few games that did it. It was kinda comforting to see back in action on April First. Maybe they're doing a comeback! Wikipedia's also done it.

    However, on the other hand, I get pissed off when people in positions of power abuse their powers, but hide behind "joking" as a way to get away with it. Thoughts?
