Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NOG 12: Dead Workers Premium

We here at NoG are excited to announce our new premiere community service, Dead Workers Premium. This exciting new service will allow you to get involved with NoG like never before! Get access to exclusive show notes and hear podcasts like you've never heard them before!

"Now hold on," I hear you say, "I love Eric, Brent, Spencer, and Wes, but how much is this going to cost me?" I'm glad you asked! Downloading the show will remain free, as always, and you're free to listen to the first ten minutes on our dime. That's right! We're so confident about the quality of our product that we're willing to pay for you to listen! After the first ten minutes it's just ninety-nine cents a minute to continue! Not happy with the show? We're sorry to see you go, but you're free to cancel at any time.*

This week, take advantage of our special introductory offer and get Episode 12 of NoG absolutely free! Wes isn't here, so we decided to cut everyone a break. The other three hosts reminisce about micropayments and DLC. Is it good? Bad? Ugly? I sure hope it's good, because we've got a distribution line to support from here on out.

*You cannot actually cancel at any time. By downloading NoG, you agree to pay for shows for two years. Every time you download another show, your contract is renewed. NoG does not guarantee the availability of episodes in your language of choice. NoG may not be downloaded in Europe, the United States, Australia, or anywhere that racketeering is illegal, but we won't tell on you as long as you keep paying us. Remember, we know where you live.



  1. I was going to download it =[
    but apparently its not available XD

  2. a friend of mine preordered l4d2 just to get the hat in tf2. he never even played l4d2^^ well, for like 5min, but then he said it's stupid and turned back to tf2

  3. this is bullshit!
    thats a shitload of money too! i love u guys but at this rate!
    do u actually believe that anyone will listen for that shittastic rate!
    not cool!

  4. In TF2, if you were playing medieval themes, why didn't you just play age of chivalry?

  5. Listening as I write this. I love the topic this week! It's interesting the way that games are evolving and adapting to new ways to make money while not inhibiting the players...and also the failed ways that ruin it for everyone :P

  6. Great episode. Can anyone tell me the remix of tik tok in the end?

  7. It was just the instrumental track of Tik Tok actually. You can find it by looking for Tik Tok Karaoke.
